Tag Archives: aces

ACES-NM Annual Meeting 2024

The ACES-NM 2024 Annual Meeting was held on December 7, 2024. Attendees had the opportunity to engage in a seminar presented by Dr. John (Xiaozhong) Yu, review the ACES-NM 2024 Annual Report highlighting key events such as the Future City Competition, receive the Treasurer’s Report for the year, participate in the election of new board members, and celebrate the achievements of the Young Asian American Student Award recipients..

Annual Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda presented by ACES-NM President Chi Yang


ACES-NM 2024 Annual Report

Presentation on the CIE NC Spring Meeting
Update on the 2024-2025 Future City Competition
2025 AAEOY Update by Dr. Changjian Feng

Treasurer’s Report

Future City-NM Account Summary by ACES-NM Treasurer Qiyun Lin

Young Asian American Student Awards

The awardees of the 2024 were Kyureon Kim, Yu Liu, Hiro Jau and Kate Shao. To learn more about their achievements and to see more, see this post.

(left to right) 2024 Student Awardees Yu Liu, Hiro Jau, Kate Shao (Kyureon Kim not pictured)

Call for the 2023 Asian American Student Award

The Asian-American population is one of the fastest-growing demographics in New Mexico, accounting for around 5% of the population. The Young Asian American Student Award Program is organized by the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE/USA) – New Mexico Chapter, also known as the Association of Chinese American Engineers and Scientists of New Mexico (ACES-NM). The program aims to recognize outstanding Asian American high school students residing in our local chapter area. These individuals demonstrate excellent academic achievements, leadership in community service, global awareness, and professional development. The program challenges and encourages applicants to reach the highest career development and lifetime achievement standards.

CIE/USA-NM is now soliciting nominations for the annual Young Asian American Student Award. Up to five awardees will be selected, and each recipient will be recognized and presented with a $250 award at the Annual CIE/USA-NM meeting in December 2023.

Eligibility: The application is open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents with Asian heritage currently enrolled in 10th to 12th grade in New Mexico high schools, excluding those who previously received this award.

Evaluation: The evaluation committee consists of current CIE/USA-NM Board members and local Asian American community leaders, excluding those with children who are applicants.

Submission Guidelines: The online application will be available from September 20, 2023, until November 1, 2023. Please submit your application on the CIE/USA-NM Website (www.cie-nm.org). Awardees will be notified by November 20, 2023.

Additionally, the following documents are required to complete the application and must be uploaded through the application website:

1. Official high school transcript

2. Personal Statement

3. Resume

4. A letter of support from either a teacher or a community leader familiar with the student’s achievements and activities

Documents 1 – 3 must be combined into one file and submitted online at https://www.cie-nm.org/studentAward/ApplicationFiles/ApplicationForm.html. Upon successful application submission, the referee will receive an email with instructions on uploading the letter of support.

For questions regarding the program and the application, please email kanghn@unm.edu.

Huining Kang, PhD

President, Student Award Committee Chair, CIE-USA NM Chapter (ACES-NM)

2021 Lantern Festival Gala 元宵节联欢晚会



传统新年到来之际,新墨西哥华裔工程师和科学家协会(ACES-NM https://www.cie-nm.org)计划筹备zoom在线形式的元宵节联欢晚会。时间定于2021年2月27日晚7点到8点30分。现面向本地各界人士征集节目(5-10分钟录像形式)。希望带给大家一个轻松欢乐的一个多小时,驱散2020年的阴霾,喜迎2021年!节目内容不限,但会有简单的审核过程。初定于2月6日确定节目清单,给报名者确切回复。希望大家踊跃报名,用你的才艺分享传播欢乐给大家。有意者点击下面的链接填写表格参与报名。视频分辨率720p及以上,可以google drive分享到aces.nm.cie@gmail.com 谢谢支持!
